A valued trust-partner, walking with you towards your sustainability goals
Includes a comprehensive preparation of a complete playbook outlining all options from start to completion with timelines and costs as well as a breakdown of individualized sprints
No man is an island, nor could anyone do it alone. Teamwork is the key to shifting behavior and maintaining momentum.
Shifting culture and behavior is harder than shifting policy, and your ESG program needs both. Without the right motivation your efforts may flounder with those who walk them out.
Measuring progress from a baseline, we provide reporting that can be automated, customized, and transparent. Tangible data is imperative for gauging progress throughout the organization. You must be able to measure the effects of your efforts in order to manage and lead change.
Most consultants give you head knowledge and conceptual understanding; few have earned street knowledge by personally engaging with every level within an organization. We’ll present at the corporate level, train janitorial and cafeteria staff in multiple languages, and defiantly stand in a recycling container at midnight to protect the sanctity of the recyclables. We don’t just provide a plan. We are an active partner in the solution.
There are predictable reasons why sustainability efforts fail where your wheelhouse efforts succeed. Knowing what you’re up against will help prevent missteps.
All plans start with the best of intentions, but when the train has jumped the tracks, it’s not time for a conductor, it’s time for ESG emergency responders.
We developed unique tools that have driven results in numerous settings. We use the OPTIMUM approach at the beginning, midpoint, and completion of defined, short-term sprints for each individual component of the Playbook. This process is in writing, is accountable for each person involved, and signed off at each point by the entire team. This is how we lead and partner with an organization.
Like an open highway, the first unplanned turn can take you off course; you need a GPS for your sustainability initiatives
Simply, the process requires revision and feedback multiple times, until perfect practice makes perfect players.
We convince team members, at all levels of an organization, to accept changes as a part of the new culture – a new component of the brand – not just a new missive from on high. This not only boosts employee retention but aids in recruiting new talent. All team members, at all levels, have to know all the ways they can contribute. We develop systems of accountability and rewards for unique contributions at every level.
Profitability and return on investment matter in sustainability too. When the right values drive the shift, profits appear in unforeseen ways.
Big steps and systemic changes require expertise and support that Okapi offers, yet every journey is made of small steps. Here are five ways individuals can get the momentum going.
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